Wednesday, December 16, 2009

10 Photoshop Beginner's Tips

1.  memorize the main shortcuts like ctrl+x, ctrl+z, ctrl+v, ctrl+d, and ctrl+a.

2.  change the cursor with CAPS LOCK.

3.  use [ ] to control the size of your brush or eraser.

4.  if in doubt, create a new layer. This is important, creating a new layer will never harm your document and it will assure you a back-up.

5.  use resources like tutorials, cheat sheets, and downloads. 

6. never infringe Trademarks and Copyright laws. Get to know the laws so you don't break them. Infringement lawsuits not only affect you, but they also affect the client as well.

7.  save your own workspace.  Saving your own workspace layout allows you to take your personalized layout to other computers.

8.  save your preferences. Like a workspace, preferences can also be transfered to other computers.

9.  if your a photographer do not follow the guideline "fix it in photoshop". No shortcuts should ever be taken if you want to achieve the full potential of your work.

10. learn the tool shortcuts. They are easy to learn and save a ton of time when using all programs.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Technology and its effect on new generations!

Technology and its effect on new generations!
I. Technologies- New vs. Old
a. Ipod vs. all
b. Phone vs. Digital Video
c. HD vs 3d
d. Wax Cylinder vs. Mp3
e. Art vs. Digital Manipulation
II. Causes of technologies on new generations
a. Public will become Jaded with normal life. Life without ipods,cell phones, etc. The public will become dependent on gadgets and other technology.
b. Smarter Tech-savvy generation , and I say smarter because I believe every generation learns new things from previous generations.
c. Greener planet and less paper being used to file documents. Emails replace memos and a newer more advanced Facebook replaces newspapers. Greener technologies will emerge and make air better to breath and control temperature.
d. Lazier patterns and trends will begin, like buying groceries delivered the same day via the internet.i
e. People will live longer due to increased technology in science.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Tj Nine Sketch Book Randomness

There it is.....randomness from the sketch book and cell phone.  

Welcome to advice and tutorials w/ Tj Nine

The first article to come"Browser Wars" is a insightful article covering technologies like extensions and add-ons from companies like Mozilla, Windows, Google, and some other like Opera.